Javi Dark Blog
Poesía para el cumple de Aura
Apply conditional formatting in Google Sheets after pasting
In Google Sheets, you encounter a problem when pasting data into a conditional formatting cell: it's style is lost.
To solve it, just design your conditional formatting attached to another cell (EG. For cells A1:F10 apply red background when =$B1<0), and create a filter. Sort by that column (B) and the conditional formatting for all the range is refreshed properly.
AWS Lex web browser checksum error [SOLVED]
If you are getting the following error: the checksum value doesn't match for the resource named {theNameOfYourIntent} in AWS Lex web browser console, on building after feeding intents, try the following:
1 (kind of optional) - Make a backup of your intent information in a TXT file (in case you lose your progress, which didn't happened to me twice)
2 Delete the intent
3 Create a new intent
4 Search existing intents
5 Load from a list the exact name you had
6 Build again
7 repeat in every case it happens with another intents
It solved my problem.
Adaptarme más o morir
Deseo. Indecisión. Barrera mental.
Piloto automático. Cesión de responsabilidad. Culpa.
Las circunstancias nunca deben estar de mi parte. Así es como se aprende de verdad a luchar.
Si algo se pierde puede ser porque no lo he hecho tan bien como debería. He de eliminar esa posibilidad.
Lo estúpido es quedarse de brazos cruzados en respuesta. O elimino las excusas, o la vida se me acabará yendo.
Add pre-builded functionalities in Eclipse for Java
1.- Identify our programming needs to solve. E.G.: replace accents on the go.
2.- Search what we need to do with Java on a browser. This gives us keywords for "3.-". E.G. search replace string accents library java apache
If it's not in the default java libraries that we may be importing automatically in our .java code:
3.- Import that solution (download a .jar containing it), because you always must have its library.
4.- Add it to your project reference libraries:
- Select something in the Eclipse package explorer. E.G. for Windows: Ctrl+A (select all), F5 (refresh).
- Right click the new jar file, and select Build Path -> Add to Build Path.
5.- Import the library as usual. E.G.: add import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; to your .java.
6.- Adapt your new functionalit(y/ies).
Hope it helps not only me :)